Del. 4.4.3 – Info day organized by the Secondary Municipal School ,,St.Kiril and Metodij” – Negotino

PB4 Secondary Municipal School ,,St.Kiril and Metodij” – Negotino and the organizer of the event ADVISENT DOOEL  Skopje organized the last (third) info day on a topic Using renewable  resources of energy and their importance/good examples from the schools in the Region. The event was held on November 19th 2020 in SMS St. Kiril and MetodijNegotino and through the ZOOM platform.

In the scope of the activities the attendees had the opportunity to get information’s from the Project Manager Ms. Cvetanka Ristova about all the activities that has been done during the project lifetime. The presenters MS. Bojana Stojanovska Pecurovska and Mr. Filip Stojanovski through presentation brought the attendance closer to the information’s about renewable resources and their application in the region and beyond.

After the event the refreshments were delivered to the schools of participants.

This is the invitation and agenda of the event.

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