
Municipality of Pella

The Municipality of Pella covers an area of 668 km2 in the northern part of the Prefecture of Central Macedonia and it is the largest municipality of the wider area. Its population is about 63.000 citizens and about half of them live in its capital city, Giannitsa. The ancient city of Pella is located in the territory of the municipality and its historical findings are exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Pella. The local economy is based on the agricultural production thanks to a fertile valley and the river Loudias that runs through the Municipality. Additionally, Pella has an important industrial production in agrofood and an important concentration of enterprises in the services sector. It has also a great potential in the development of tourism (historical and ecotourism).  The institutional  structure of the Municipality of Pella is based on the following sectors, including  the economic services, urbanity, technical services, environment, general  administration, social welfare, planning and development. Its strategic goal is the further support of its important sectors such as agriculture and history, enhancing the touristic development, protecting the environment and improving the local infrastructure.

Municipality of Negotino

Municipality of Negotino covers an area of 414 km2 in the middle of the Povardarie area and in the central part of the country. It belongs to Vardar Region and as a separate natural area it belongs to Tikveš–Raečki micro region. It covers the eastern part of Tikveš valley, spreading out onto the two banks of Vardar River.
It hosts 19.212 inhabitants. Most of them (13.104 / 68,2%) live in the town of  Negotino. The rest population lives in the 14 villages while three settlements remain fully depopulated.  In the business sector, 65% of the enterprises in the Municipality are registered in the sector of services with wholesale and retail trade. In the industrial production in the Municipality, the food industry has a dominant role with 50% of the total production. The construction and textile  industry are following with 17% and 12,5% relatively. The total unemployed population is about 7%.
The Municipality of Negotino has 52 employees in three sectors (Legal and general affairs and public Issues, Financial affairs, Urbanism and protection of environment, communal work and traffic and local economic development). Its goal is the further development of the Municipality in terms of public infrastructure and economic progress.

Culture and Development Public Benefit Corporation of the Municipality of Pella

The Municipal Public Non-Benefit Corporation of Culture and Development of Pella was constituted in 1996. A 10-member Board and its President are responsible for its administration and the setting of its strategic goals. The expertise of its personnel lies in culture, promotion and tourism. As its own name reveals, the main objective of this Municipal Corporation is the balanced cultural development of Pella emphasizing on the value of the history in the present life and combining the art of yesterday with the contemporary trends in order to develop the Municipality of Pella to a vivid place. Additionally, the Municipal Public Non-Benefit Corporation of Culture and Development of Pella is an important cultural player in the framework of support of new artists and promotion of all kind of arts.

Secondary Municipal School “St.Kiril and Metodij”–Negotino

The School was founded in 1962 and is located in the town of Negotino. Regarding its current condition, it has totally 40 classes and 656 pupils. It offers services of junior high school education (gymnasium) and vocations in the fields of electronics and chemical technology.