Project plan

The project lifetime is totally 22 months and its structure has been developed in four working packages.

WP TitleStartEnd
WP 2Communication & Dissemination25/05/201824/05/2020
WP 3Energy Efficiency Interventions in buildings/open spaces25/05/201824/05/2020
WP 1Project Management & Coordination25/05/201824/05/2020
WP 4Reinforcement of EE-policies in private spaces25/09/201824/05/2020

The project management is based on the ‘Lead Beneficiary Principle’ that sets the responsibility for the overall implementation of the project to the Lead Beneficiary. However, each partner is responsible for the safe implementation of the undertaken deliverables.

LB (PP1)Municipality of PellaGreece
PP2Municipality of NegotinoNorth Macedonia
PP3Culture and Development Public Benefit Corporation of the Municipality of PellaGreece
PP4Secondary Municipal School "St. Kiril and Methodij" - NegotinoNorth Macedonia

The proposed project targets to the development of a joint strategy and the enhancement of the cooperation between the 2 countries in the field of protection of environment through the energy efficiency. The common ground of the similar duties of the two municipalities (Pella and Negotino) on the upgrade of energy efficiency in both public buildings and public open spaces is the first step for the development of cross border cooperation. Having this in advance, the project is based on a concrete methodology that combines interventions in public spaces and awareness to the locals that own the private spaces; this double approach is jointly developed by all participants. Additionally, the expertise of the participants from the EU member country in terms of EU legislation will be used in the cross border info days in order to enhance the know-how-exchange factor towards the IPA participants. This is an activity that cannot be implemented in any national/regional/local programme.